About this Show
Data Science at Home is a podcast about machine learning, artificial intelligence and algorithms.
The show is hosted by Dr. Francesco Gadaleta on solo episodes and interviews with some of the most influential figures in the field
Technology, AI, machine learning and algorithms. Come join the discussion on Discord! https://discord.gg/4UNKGf3
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
It's time we get serious about replacing the CSV format with something that, guess what? it has been around for so long.
In this episode I explain the good parts of CSV files and the not so good ones. It's time we evolve to something better.
Our Sponsors
Quantum Metric
Stay off the naughty list this holiday season by reducing customer friction, increasing conversions, and personalizing the shopping experience. Want a sneak peak? Visit us at quantummetric.com/podoffer and see if you qualify to receive our “12 Days of Insights” offer with code DATASCIENCE. This offer gives you 12-day access to our platform coupled with a bespoke insight report that will help you identify where customers are struggling or engaging in your digital product.
Amethix Technologies
Amethix use advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to build data platforms and predictive engines in domain like finance, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, logistics, energy. Amethix provide solutions to collect and secure data with higher transparency and disintermediation, and build the statistical models that will support your business.
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Is reinforcement learning sufficient to build truly intelligent machines? Listen to this episode to find out.
Our Sponsors
Quantum Metric
Stay off the naughty list this holiday season by reducing customer friction, increasing conversions, and personalizing the shopping experience. Want a sneak peak? Visit us at quantummetric.com/podoffer and see if you qualify to receive our “12 Days of Insights” offer with code DATASCIENCE. This offer gives you 12-day access to our platform coupled with a bespoke insight report that will help you identify where customers are struggling or engaging in your digital product.
Amethix Technologies
Amethix use advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to build data platforms and predictive engines in domain like finance, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, logistics, energy. Amethix provide solutions to collect and secure data with higher transparency and disintermediation, and build the statistical models that will support your business.
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
In this episode I have a wonderful chat with Ronald Schmelzer and Kathleen Walch, authors of "AI Today" the top podcast for those wanting a no-hype, practical, real-world insight into what enterprises, public sector agencies, thought leaders, leading technology companies, pundits, and experts are doing with AI today.
Sponsored by Quantum Metric
Did you know that 2021 holiday ecommerce sales are expected to exceed 2020 benchmarks?
Are you prepared to capture every customer revenue opportunity?
With Quantum Metric, you can be.
Visit their website at quantummetric.com/podoffer and see if you qualify to receive their “12 Days of Insights” offer with code DATASCIENCE. This offer gives you 12-day access to the platform coupled with a bespoke insight report that will help you identify where customers are struggling or engaging in your digital product.
Sponsored by Amethix Technologies
Amethix use advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to build data platforms and predictive engines in domain like finance, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, logistics, energy. Amethix provide solutions to collect and secure data with higher transparency and disintermediation, and build the statistical models that will support your business.
AI Today podcast: http://aitoday.live/
CPMAI Methodology: https://www.cognilytica.com/cpmai-methodology/
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Our Sponsor
Amethix use advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to build data platforms and predictive engines in domain like finance, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, logistics, energy. Amethix provide solutions to collect and secure data with higher transparency and disintermediation, and build the statistical models that will support your business.
Fisher, Aaron, Cynthia Rudin, and Francesca Dominici. “Model Class Reliance: Variable importance measures for any machine learning model class, from the ‘Rashomon’ perspective.” http://arxiv.org/abs/1801.01489 (2018).
Python SHAP https://github.com/slundberg/shap
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Remember the Netflix challenge?
It was a ton of money for the one who would have cracked the problem of recommending the best possible movie.
Was it a fair challenge? Did it work?Let me tell you what happened...
Get one of the best VPN at a massive discount with coupon code DATASCIENCE. It provides you with an 83% discount which unlocks the best price in the market plus 3 extra months for free. Here is the link https://surfshark.deals/DATASCIENCE
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
In this episode Fetch AI CTO Jonathan Ward speaks about decentralization, AI, blockchain for smart cities and the enterprise.Below some great links about collective learning, smart contracts in Rust and the Fetch AI ecosystem.
Decentralised collective learning: https://github.com/fetchai/colearn
Smart contracting platform written in Rust https://docs.cosmwasm.com/docs/0.14/
Fetch.ai cosmwasm contracts for collective learning: https://github.com/fetchai/contract-learn
How the Colearn system works: https://vimeo.com/440365943
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Do you want to know the latest in big data analytics frameworks? Have you ever heard of Apache Arrow? Rust? Ballista? In this episode I speak with Andy Grove one of the main authors of Apache Arrow and Ballista compute engine.Andy explains some challenges while he was designing the Arrow and Ballista memory models and he describes some amazing solutions.
Our Sponsors
If building software is your passion, you’ll love ThoughtWorks Technology Podcast. It’s a podcast for techies by techies. Their team of experienced technologists take a deep dive into a tech topic that’s piqued their interest — it could be how machine learning is being used in astrophysics or maybe how to succeed at continuous delivery.
Amethix use advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to build data platforms and predictive engines in domain like finance, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, logistics, energy. Amethix provide solutions to collect and secure data with higher transparency and disintermediation, and build the statistical models that will support your business.
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
It made already quite some noise in the news, GitHub copilot promises to be your pair programmer for life.In this episode I explain how and what GitHub copilot does. Should developers be happy, scared or just keep coding the traditional way?
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Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Get one of the best VPN at a massive discount with coupon code DATASCIENCE. It provides you with an 83% discount which unlocks the best price in the market plus 3 extra months for free. Here is the link https://surfshark.deals/DATASCIENCE
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Data from the real world are never perfectly balanced. In this episode I explain a simple yet effective trick to train models with very unbalanced data. Enjoy the show!
Get one of the best VPN at a massive discount with coupon code DATASCIENCE. It provides you with an 83% discount which unlocks the best price in the market plus 3 extra months for free. Here is the link https://surfshark.deals/DATASCIENCE
Leo Breiman, Random Forests, 2001
C. Chen, A. Liaw, L. Breiman, Using Random Forest to Learn Imbalanced Data (2004)
Data Science at Home is the top-10 best data science podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean and many more aggregators.
We reach our audience on a weekly basis via 30-minute episodes enriched with blog posts and show notes. Our episodes reach a highly targeted audience across a wide demographics and globally distributed.
Data Science at home currently accepts at most two advertising slots per episode. The scheduled episode for your advertising campaign will be defined by our team, depending on the topic and the current advertising queue.
Our team is available to give you recommendations about your application and to discuss rates. Please send a direct email to media@amethix.com to make first contact. After connecting, we will share the best available date for you to proceed with the onboarding.
We promote services and products related to IT, Internet services, Research, Data Science, Machine learning, Fintech and Banking, Healthcare, Energy, etc. Below are some of the most recent statistics of the show.
Contact us and let’s talk about how we can help get your message to the audience of Data Science at Home podcast.
Data Science at Home is a podcast about machine learning, artificial intelligence and algorithms.
The show is hosted by Dr. Francesco Gadaleta on solo episodes and interviews with some of the most influential figures in the field